Monday, August 11, 2014

Unity doesn't load, no Launcher, no Dash appears

Blank desktops suck

When login, nothing happens.
Desktop wallpaper.No Dash, no Launcher, nothing.

You just need to turn the Unity plugin back on. The problem is this is a pain in the bottom because you've now got no graphical method to do this. So:
1.Press Ctrl+Alt+F1 and log in.
2.Install the jibby you'll need to configure the settings by running this:
   sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager
3.Then run it by doing this:
   export DISPLAY=:0
   The first part tells the terminal which display you want it to load on (otherwise it won't have a clue).
4.Press Ctrl+Alt+F7 (or Ctrl+Alt+F8 sometimes) to get back to the graphical display where there should be a CompizConfig Settings Manager screen sitting there.
5.Find the Unity plugin. Enable it.
6.Everything should spring into life but if it doesn't, you might have to restart. You can do that by going back to TTY1 and running sudo reboot.

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