Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Add image thumbnails to folders in Windows Explorer

When you are dealing with a folder in Microsoft Windows containing numerous images, it is often very helpful to see thumbnail representations of those images in the Windows Explorer display. This built-in functionality is available in both Windows XP and Windows Vista, but how you turn the feature off and on is slightly different for each version.
One caveat for the resource-sensitive: turning on the thumbnail feature will increase the amount of resources being used by the operating system. Those little thumbnails take up space on the hard drive and in memory when they are being displayed. Depending on your system, the available resources, and the number of images involved, you can quickly bog down your PC if you are not careful. This is why many users will be interested in this tip for the opposite reason — they want to know how to turn off thumbnail creation in Windows.

Windows XP

Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the folder of images for which you would like to see thumbnails. On the Windows Explorer menu, click Tools | Folder Options to get to the Control Panel. Click the View tab, as shown in Figure A.

Figure A

XP Folder Options - View

Under the Files And Folders section, you will see the Do Not Cache Thumbnails check box. If this box is checked, there will be no thumbnails cached on your hard drive. So if you want thumbnails, you will want to uncheck it. Click OK after you’ve made your selection.

To start seeing thumbnails, you have to change views in Windows Explorer. On the menu bar, click View | Thumbnails, and Windows will replace the normal file icons with thumbnails of the images. Windows will also create a new file in that folder called Thumbs.db, where the thumbnail information is stored, as shown in Figure B.

Figure B

Thumbnails - XP

The Thumbs.db file will be created in every folder you designate to display thumbnails. To apply your changes to all Windows Explorer folders, navigate to Tools | Folder Options and click the View tab. From there, make your changes and then click the Apply To All Folders button before you click OK.

Windows Vista

Turning on the thumbnail feature is slightly different in Windows Vista. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the images folder where you would like to see thumbnails displayed. On the menu, click the Organize tab and then Folder And Search Options. On the ensuing control applet, click the View tab, as shown in Figure C.

Figure C

Vista Folder Options - View

Under Files And Folders, uncheck the Always Show Icons, Never Thumbnails check box. That will turn on thumbnails for that particular folder. If you want to apply the change to all folders, you should click the Apply To Folders button. Click OK to finish the process.

Just as you did in Windows XP, for Vista you have to take one more step to actually reveal thumbnails in Windows Explorer. On the Explorer menu, click the down arrow next to Views and select a view other than List or Details (see Figure D).

Figure D

Thumbnails - Vista

Windows Vista has an additional way to view thumbnails in Windows Explorer. Click Organize | Layout and choose to add the Preview Pane. That selection will add an area to the right of the display where a larger thumbnail of each image will be displayed as you highlight it, as shown in Figure E.

Figure E

Preview Pane - Vista

Once again remember the caveat: thumbnails take up resources. Be careful how you use them. And if there comes a time when you want to turn them off, just do the opposite of the procedures described here. In Windows XP, you would also want to delete the Thumb.db file in each folder.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Windows Recovery Console Commands

The Windows Recovery Console is used to obtain access to your computer without starting the Windows graphical user interface. With the Windows Recovery Console, you can:

- Use, copy, rename, or replace system files and folders.
- Enable or disable services or device startup for the next time that you boot your computer.
- Repair the file system boot sector or the Master Boot Record.
- Create and format partitions on drives.

Here are the available commands that can be used with the Windows Recovery Console.

Use the attrib command with one or more of the following parameters to change the attributes of a file or a folder:

batch inputfile [outputfile]
Use this command to run commands that are specified in a text file. In the command syntax, inputfile specifies the text file that contains the list of commands to be run, and outputfile specifies the file that contains the output of the specified commands. If you do not specify an output file, the output appears on the screen.

Use this command for boot configuration and recovery.

Use the cd and chdir commands to change to a different folder.

chkdsk drive /p /r
The chkdsk command checks the specified drive and repairs or recovers the drive if the drive requires it.The command also marks any bad sectors and it recovers readable information.

Use this command to clear the screen.

copy source destination
Use this command to copy a file.

del drive: path filename
delete drive: path filename
Use this command to delete a file.

dir drive: path filename
Use this command to display a list of files and subfolders in a folder.

disable servicename
Use this command to disable a Windows system service or driver.

diskpart /add /delete device_name drive_name partition_name size
Use this command to manage the partitions on your hard disk volumes.

enable servicename start_type

You can use the enable command to enable a Windows system service or driver.

Use the exit command to quit the Recovery Console.

expand source [/F:filespec] [destination] [/y]
expand source [/F:filespec] /D
Use this command to expand a file

fixboot drive name:
Use this command to write the new Windows boot sector code on the system partition.

fixmbr device name
Use this command to repair the MBR of the boot partition.

format drive: /Q /FS:file-system
Use this command to format the specified drive to the specified file system.

The listsvc command lists all available services, drivers, and their start types for the current Windows installation.

The logon command lists all detected installations of Windows and then requests the local administrator password for the copy of Windows that you want to log on to.

map arc
Use this command to list drive letters, file system types, partition sizes, and mappings to physical devices.

The md and mkdir commands create new folders.

more filename
Use this command to display a text file to the screen.

Use rd and rmdir commands to delete a folder.

Use the ren and rename commands to rename a file.

You can use the set to display or modify four environment options.

The systemroot command sets the current working folder to the %SystemRoot% folder of the Windows installation that you are currently logged on to.

type filename
Use the type command to display a text file.

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50+ Microsoft Word Shortcuts

Shortcut Keys Description

Ctrl + A Select all contents of the page.

Ctrl + B Bold highlighted selection.

Ctrl + C Copy selected text.

Ctrl + D Open the font dialogue box.

Ctrl + E Aligns the line or selected text to the center of the screen.

Ctrl + F Open find box.

Ctrl + G Open find and replace box.

Ctrl + H Also opens find and replace box.

Ctrl + I Italicise highlighted selection.

Ctrl + J Justify (spread) the text across the page.

Ctrl + K Insert link.

Ctrl + L Aligns the line or selected text to the left of the screen.

Ctrl + M Indent the paragraph.

Ctrl + N Open a new document.

Ctrl + O Open a document stored on your hard drive.

Ctrl + P Open the print window.

Ctrl + R Aligns the line or selected text to the right of the screen.

Ctrl + S Saves the current document.

Ctrl + U Underline highlighted selection.

Ctrl + V Paste contents of clipboard.

Ctrl + W Closes the current document.

Ctrl + X Cut selected text.

Ctrl + Y Redo the last action performed.

Ctrl + Z Undo last action.

Ctrl + Shift + F Change the font.

Ctrl + Shift + > Increase selected font +1pts up to 12pt and then increases font 

Ctrl + ] Increase selected font +1pts.

Ctrl + Shift + < style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; ">decreases font by +2pt.

Ctrl + [ Decrease selected font -1pts.

Ctrl + Shift + * View or hide non printing characters.

Ctrl + Moves one word to the left.

Ctrl + Moves one word to the right.

Ctrl + Moves to the beginning of the line or paragraph.

Ctrl + Moves to the end of the paragraph.

Ctrl + Del Deletes word to right of cursor.

Ctrl + Backspace Deletes word to left of cursor.

Ctrl + End Moves the cursor to the end of the document.

Ctrl + Home Moves the cursor to the beginning of the document.

Ctrl + Spacebar Reset highlighted text to the default font.

Ctrl + 1 Single-space lines.

Ctrl + 2 Double-space lines.

Ctrl + 5 1.5-line spacing.

Ctrl + Alt + 1 Changes text to heading 1.

Ctrl + Alt + 2 Changes text to heading 2.

Ctrl + Alt + 3 Changes text to heading 3.

Ctrl + F1 Open the Task Pane.

F1 Open Help.

Alt + Ctrl + F2 Open new document.

Ctrl + F2 Display the print preview.

Shift + F3 Change the text from upper to lower case or a capital letter at the 
beginning of every word.

Shift + Insert Paste.

F4 Repeat the last action performed.

F5 Open the find, replace, and go to window in Microsoft Word.

Ctrl + Shift + F6 Opens to another open Microsoft Word document.

F7 Spell and grammar check selected text and/or document.

Shift + F7 Runs a Thesaurus check on the word highlighted.

F12 Save as.

Shift + F12 Save.

Ctrl + Shift + F12 Prints the document.

Alt + Shift + D Insert the current date.

Alt + Shift + T Insert the current time.

To remove Autorun.inf

Registry Disabled to enable
Task manager Disabled to enable
Enable Folders options
Enable run
Enable command prompt
It is disable auto play option
Write protecting to ur pen drive