Monday, August 11, 2014

Join Ubuntu 14.04LTS to a Windows Domain using PBIS Open

The following instructions will guide you through the process of joining an Ubuntu 14.04 client to a Windows Domain using Power Broker Identity Services Open Edition version 64bit.
(This process should also work for Lubuntu 14.04)

Windows Server 2012 Standard Domain Controller
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and Lubuntu 14.04 Client PCs

1.Download the most current stable version of Power Broker Identity Services Open Edition
Go to the following address and download the most current version of PBIS:
Or, from a terminal type the following commands:
cd ~
sudo wget

2.Make the pbis installation script executable
In the terminal navigate to the directory where is located and execute the following command:
sudo chmod +x

3.Run the pbis installation script
From the terminal type the following command to install pbis open:
sudo ./

4.Use PBIS Open to join your PC to the Windows Domain
From the terminal:
cd /opt/pbis/bin/
sudo domainjoin-cli join --disable ssh $domainname $domainaccount
*where domainname = the name of your domain and domainaccount = user@domainname.###
EXAMPLE: sudo domainjoin-cli --disable ssh
When prompted for a password supply the appropriate credentials and you should receive a "SUCCESS" prompt when finished.

5.Set-up default configuration for domain users
Use PBIS to pre-configure the user environment for all domain users that log into the newly added system.
From the terminal:
sudo /opt/pbis/bin/config UserDomainPrefix $domain
sudo /opt/pbis/bin/config AssumeDefaultDomain true
sudo /opt/pbis/bin/config LoginShellTemplate /bin/bash
sudo /opt/pbis/bin/config HomeDirTemplate %H/%U
sudo /opt/pbis/bin/config RequireMembershipOf "$domain\\$securitygroup"

6.Edit the pamd.d common-session file
From a terminal:
sudo vi /etc/pam.d/common-session
Find the line that states the following:
session sufficient
Replace it with:
session [success=ok default=ignore]

7.Edit the lightdm configuration file
Edit the lightdm configuration file and append the following lines:
sudo vi /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50-unity-greeter.conf
*If you are using Lubuntu 14.04 your lightdm configuration file will be: 60-lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf

8.Give sudo access to users/groups
Add any necessary administrative users and/or groups from your domain to the sudoers file to give them sudo privileges.
From a terminal:
sudo vi /etc/sudoers
*using the file's configuration examples add users/groups appropriately.
fadmin ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

9.Reboot and Log-in
Reboot your PC and log-in using an appropriate domain user account.

These instructions have only been tested on Lubuntu 14.04 and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Distributions. With minimal tweaking these steps should also work for other distributions. Older and now deprecated versions of Likewise-Open should work in a similar fashion as PBIS-Open, and may be required on older distributions.

Post: Ubuntu Domain join problem (pbis) - Error: Received error while querying lwsmd. [code 0x00000002


Unity doesn't load, no Launcher, no Dash appears

Blank desktops suck

When login, nothing happens.
Desktop wallpaper.No Dash, no Launcher, nothing.

You just need to turn the Unity plugin back on. The problem is this is a pain in the bottom because you've now got no graphical method to do this. So:
1.Press Ctrl+Alt+F1 and log in.
2.Install the jibby you'll need to configure the settings by running this:
   sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager
3.Then run it by doing this:
   export DISPLAY=:0
   The first part tells the terminal which display you want it to load on (otherwise it won't have a clue).
4.Press Ctrl+Alt+F7 (or Ctrl+Alt+F8 sometimes) to get back to the graphical display where there should be a CompizConfig Settings Manager screen sitting there.
5.Find the Unity plugin. Enable it.
6.Everything should spring into life but if it doesn't, you might have to restart. You can do that by going back to TTY1 and running sudo reboot.

Bulk YouTube video Downloader

                U can easily download bulk YouTube videos through this plugin (Mozila firefox addon). Just download the plugin through below mentioned URL..

Friday, June 20, 2014

How to turn on "classic" logon screen (instead of that one "with pictures") ?

To enable “Ctrl-Alt-Del” logon on Windows Vista Business computer, please perform the following steps:

1. Logon the system with an administrator account.

2. Type secpol.msc in the Start Search box, and press Enter.

3. In the Local Security Policy window, navigate to Local Policies \ Security Options, double-click the policy “Interactive Logon: Do not display last user name" and change the setting to Enable.

4. Type gpupdate.exe in the Start Search box to apply the policy.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Fatal Installation Error occurred while installing the HP 1536dnf Printer

         While installing the Printer at the stage of “Preparing the installation” the bar is filling up and short before reaching 100% It's getting an Error message mentioning fatal error with no other option than terminating the installation process.

* It is possible to install the printer directly (add printer) but without a way to access the scan or fax from computer.

             For starting the System Configuration (MSCONFIG) window, click your Start orb, type msconfig in your Search bar, and then press Enter. You can also open the Run dialog box and type msconfig. You will see a System Configuration window 
          In Startup and Services Tab, stop all startup processes and services except microsoft services (reboot the PC).  Then you can Install the driver software as usual....

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Kill Processes using Command Prompt in windows machine

Kill Processes using Command Prompt in windows machineSometimes virus issue in system creates many problem and even it won’t allow you to boot the system in safe mode or else to run any of the antivirus.
I found one work around to delete the tasks running. Which is a bit tricky to do using command prompt.
Here what I did. Opened command prompt (press Windows button + R)
1 – Disconnect from Internet if the system is connected over LAN or WIFI
2 – Type cmd then Enter.
3 – Type tasklist and press enter in the command prompt dialog box

(It will give you the all running processes list)
4 – Figure out the process name of that virus running, yes its a bit difficult to figure out still you can leave the default processes those normally runs on machine and to know detail about the process,
Click the link

5 – Once you find out the culprit. I mean the virus process name
Type in the command prompt taslkill /IM processname /F
i.e. taskkill /IM nvuvdie.exe /F

We can end task the process by using the PID also
i.e. taskkill /PID 2456 /F

To delete simultaneously more processes using PID
i.e. taskkill /PID 2456 4344 5456 /F
6 – Once you end task the running virus processes. Now there is a chance we can run any tool to clean the virus entries from the system else will have to do manually.
7 – To clean the virus entries manually. Go to run and type msconfig, then go to (startup tab) remove all the unwanted entries from there and also the entries in regedit and location in physical drive like in c:\program files or inside windows folder.
8 – Delete all the entries of virus from regedit and remove entries from msconfig startup tab and delete the installation folder.

9 – Now you are safe and hopefully we have deleted the all entries of virus and corresponding exe there in the machine.
10 – Download the free antimalware to do a full scan

How to enable Remote Desktop Remotely ?

Enabling Remote Desktop Remotely
It's strange but I can show you the exact path to do it. Here it goes so how do you enable remote desktop when you do not have physical access to the computer. It is all to do with the registry!
1. Open command prompt and type regedit
2. Click on file - connect to Network Registry - type the network computer name for which you want to enable remote desktop.
3. After its connected
4. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server for the registry settings for the remote computer (take care not to select your own desktop)
5. Double-click fDenyTSConnections.
6. Change the value of this setting to 0 to enable Remote Desktop or 1 to disable it, and click OK.
7. Disconnect the remote computer from the registry editor using File, Disconnect Network Registry
8. Finally, open command prompt, type mstsc when RDP dialog box open type the user name and password to go in to it. That's it

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The User Profile Service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded

  Appears while attempting to logon in Windows Vista, 2008, 2008 R2 and 7.
Exact cause is unknown, but this issue may occur if the user profile was manually deleted by using the command prompt or Windows Explorer by a user or by some program. A profile that is manually deleted does not remove the security identifier (SID) from the user profile list in the registry. Since the SID is still present, Windows will still try to load the profile by using the ProfileImagePath that points to a nonexistent path. Therefore, the profile cannot be loaded.
This can also be a issue with the user profile entering into a backup state, or if the C:\Users\(User Name) user profile folder is manually renamed.

1. Log on to the Computer
Log on to the computer using the Administrator (or an Administrator-level) account.
If the computer is not joined to a domain, reboot it and start your computer in safe mode, then log on using the Administrator (or an Administrator-level) account.

2. Trawl through the Registry
Open the Start menu. In the Start Search area, type regedit and press Enter (if prompted by UAC, click Continue/Yes). In regedit, go to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList
Expand the ProfileList key and look for the SID key (named "S-1-5"...) with a long number that ends in ".bak". Click it, and look at the ProfileImagePath value in the right pane to verify that this is the user account profile that has the error.
a) If you have two SID keys with the same number (with one ending in ".bak" and one showing the affected user account in the ProfileImagePath value), continue to Step 3;
b) If you have just one SID key with the ProfileImagePath value showing the affected user account, 
proceed to Step 4...

3. Two SID keys with the same number
a) Of the two SID keys that corresponds to the affected user account, right-click the SID key that does NOT end in ".bak" and click Rename.
b) Add .bk to the end of the numbers and press Enter.
c) Right-click the other SID key that DOES end in ".bak" and click Rename.
d) Remove only .bak from the end of the numbers (so that it has the same name as the other SID key did before you renamed it) and press Enter.
e) Now go back and Rename the first one with .bk to .bak now at the end of the numbers and press Enter.
Proceed to Step 5...

4. Only one SID key ending in ".bak"
a) Right-click the SID key that corresponds to the affected user account and click Rename.
b) Remove only .bak from the end of the numbers, and press Enter.
c) In the right pane, right-click the RefCount value (if none exists, right-click the right pane and click New and DWORD (32 bit) Value, then type RefCount and press Enter), and click Modify.
d) Type 0 into the Value Data textbox and click OK.
e) In the right pane, right-click the State value and click Modify.
f) Type 0 into the Value Data textbox and click OK.

5. Try logging on again!
Close regedit and restart the computer. You should be able to logon now...