As a parent you may have concerns about the content your children encounter as they surf the Web. Internet Explorer 6 helps you safeguard your family's browsing experience with Content Advisor, which can be used to control the Web sites that your family can view. With Content Advisor, you can give your children access to a specific list of Web sites that you allow and prevent them from accessing others. Find out how to use it so you can rest easier.
Activate Content Advisor
To activate Content Advisor, you set yourself up as the Supervisor of Content with a password. Don't lose it!
1.On the Internet Explorer Tools menu, click Internet Options.
2.Click the Content tab, and click the Enable button.
3.In the Content Advisor box, click the General tab, and then click the Create Password button.
4.In the Create Supervisor Password box, type the password you want to use.For solid advice about making a secure password,
5.In the Confirm Password box, type the same password again.Internet Explorer requires this to make sure you haven't made a typing error.
6.In the Hint box, type a hint to help you remember your password, and then click OK.Make sure the hint is one your child won't know the answer to. If you can't come up with something, leave it blank. (But then, of course, you're on your own if you forget the password!)
Create Supervisor Password box
7.Click OK in response to the message about Content Advisor, and then click OK once more.Now every time you bump into Content Advisor's protective walls, you'll need to type the supervisor password to get through.
Be careful! Don't lose your password. To turn off Content Advisor or make any changes whatsoever, you'll need your supervisor password. Store it in a child-proof place away from your computer.
Limit Access to Web Sites
With Content Advisor activated, you can create a list of Web sites that can always be viewed by your family. If someone attempts to access a Web site that is not on your approved list, they will be prompted for the Content Advisor Supervisor password to proceed. To create your list of approved and disapproved Web sites, activate Content Advisor using the instructions above and then follow these steps:
1.On the Internet Explorer Tools menu, click Internet Options.
2.Click the Content tab, and click the Settings button.
3.You will be prompted for the Supervisor password. Enter your password and click OK.
4.In the Content Advisor box, click the Approved Sites tab.
5.In the field for Allow this Web site, type in the Web address that you want to allow or disapprove.
6.Click the Always button to add the site to your list of approved Web sites. Or you can click the Never button to restrict access to the site. To remove a site from your list of approved and disapproved sites, click the site name, and then click the Remove button.
7.When you're finished, click OK.
Approved Sites tab in Content Advisor box
Turn off Content Advisor
1.On the Internet Explorer Tools menu, click Internet Options.
2.Click the Content tab, and click the Disable button.
3.In the Password box, type your supervisor password, and click OK. All users will once again have free access to all sites.
Change Your Supervisor Password
Perhaps someone guessed your password, or perhaps you're simply following good security measures and changing your password often. Whatever the reason, you can change your password by following these steps:
1.On the Internet Explorer Tools menu, click Internet Options.
2.Click the Content tab, and click the Settings button.
3.In the Password box, type your supervisor password, and click OK.
4.In the Content Advisor box, click the General tab, and click the Change Password button.
General tab in Content Advisor box
5.In the Old password box, type the password you're using now.This lets Internet Explorer know that you are authorized to change the password.
6.In the New password box, type the new password.
7.In the Confirm new password box, type the new password again.
Change Supervisor Password box
8.Type a hint to help you remember your new password, and click OK.
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